With G-Recorder you can easily record Skype calls and chat history to your Gmail account.
No matter how you use Skype - to discuss business things, to take language learning course or just to receive a new delicious recipe - you'll be delighted how G-Recorder simplifies your life.
What benefits G-Recorder gives you:
- Skype calls and chats are stored "in Clouds", they are searchable and accessible to you anytime from anywhere
- You can replay Skype records in Gmail just in place without downloading
- No matter how many computers you use Skype on, your conversations are merged in Gmail from all the computers chronologically
- You won't lose Skype chat history when you change computers or just reinstall Windows
- Powerful and user-friendly Gmail interface to work with your Skype conversations like with e-mail
G-Recorder is a lightweight and simple tool with no learning curve.
Product web-site: [url removed]
Related Searches: skype, gmail, record skype, record skype calls, skype recorder, skype history, call recorder, recorder, record, chats, calls, migrate, archive, backup, sync, synchronize, chat log, chat history, call recording
Recent Changes: - Chat format adapted to view from smartphones (including iPhone and Android)
- No more length limit when recording calls
- "Offline" mode - call recording without connection to server
- Fixed issue with exporting long chats
- Many more enhancements and fixes
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Skype