ASTRO Flash Creator or AFC is a creation by Patrick Jansen Design and Goldshell Digital Media. What can ASTRO Flash Creator do for you, ASTRO Flash Creator creates real-time awesome Flash text effects, which you then can use in your Adobe Macromedia Flash work, or use directly on your web site. Your text effect can be further spiced up by adding Flash background and foreground effects. There is a choice from more than 450 or more than 1350 WITH PJ plugin for AFC and SUPREME4 plugin for AFC and Elite plugin for AFC text effects and over 80 other Flash effects. There is no other Flash text effects program which can offer you such a large number of effects. Moreover, ASTRO Flash Creator can add background pictures and sound effects to your Flash file. ASTRO Flash Creators simple interface turns the creation of professional Flash text effects and banners into a very simple task. And with a choice of hundreds of text, foreground and background effects, ASTRO Flash Creator will never let you dissatisfied. The text effects themselves can be altered by adjusting the effect parameters. Each effect can be altered in a limitless amount of ways. If you are very satisfied with your altered effect, you can bookmark it, thereby adding this as an additional effect to the ASTRO Flash Creator program. Bookmarks can be saved and even exchanged with other ASTRO Flash Creator users. On top of being able to alter the effect according to your own creativity, ASTRO Flash Creator supports the use of plugins, which can be bought, or are sometimes given away free. These plugins can add more Flash effects, more images and more sound files to ASTRO Flash Creator.
Related Searches: ASTRO, collection, collections, flash, letters, fonts, text, effects, plugins, software, plugins, Creator, animation, tool
Recent Changes: More text and back/front effects
Install Support: Install Only
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows OS