FindForum sends a request to search engine, collects and filters search results to find forum-based community and then check the popularity of this forum, i.e. the number of posts made by visitors.
If you have found a forum that you need, then double-click to visit this forum on-line and post your question. FindForum checks forum?s popularity, so you can visit only forums that are alive and have some real visitors. In such popular forum you will have an answer to your question shortly.
FindForum is a must-have tool when you have a topic-specific question and need to find a place to ask for advice. With FindForum it?s easy to find popular community on-line.
Searching popular forum-based communities is easy with FindForum. Establish Internet connection and run FindForum, specify some topic-related keywords. For instance, search for ?software marketing?, ?forum webmaster? or ?computer security?. Then click ?Start Search? button.
FindForum is now analyzing search engine for forums with keywords you have specified. It will take about few seconds to get about hundred search results. If you need more, then check FindForum options for dig level value.
FindForum begins browsing forums one by one and checking forum?s popularity, i.e. average and maximum posts number.
Now you have a forum list with forum?s web address, description, download status and popularity rates. The most important now is forum?s popularity, if it?s about thousands posts then most likely it?s a valuable community. Double-click on forum from the list to open it in your default web-browser.
FindForum is quite stable and works fine. Some problems may occurs because of low-speed Internet connection. In this case you can change programs? options, decrease the number of allowed threads and increase timeout value.
FindForum is a freeware utility, and it?s must-have for finding forums on-line. You can download it from [url removed]
Related Searches: find, phpBB, community, popular, ask
Recent Changes: -- popular evaluation added
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established