Written in pure javascript, Sigma Grid is an Ajax data grid for displaying and inline editing data in a scrollable and sortable table.
IE 6.0+ | FireFox 2.0+ | Safari 3.0+ | Opera9.0+ supported.
Pure javascript codes, Seamless Integration with any server side solution, such as j2ee, .net, PHP, perl.
Inline editing, keyboard data navigation, nested multiline headers, sortable and frozen columns.
Slice rendering and built-in paginal output allow you to manipulate huge datasets on the fly.
WYSIWYG printing technology, to make it easy to build a traditional-look printable reports.
Built in button, no coding. Bar diagram, line diagram and pie diagram built in.
Data filter enables grid to present the data users are interested in only.
Extensibility enable you to replace built-in cell editor with custom external component (user defined editor), present cell data as your customers' wish (user defined renderer).
Plentiful attibutes and event handlers give you more flexibility without coding too much.
Export and import in CSV / XML / JSON / Excel / PDF format, to support further editing within spreadsheet or any other applications.
Related Searches: sigma grid, AJAX grid, javascript grid, editable grid, sortable table, dhtml grid, javascript spreadsheet, frozen columns, nested header, paginal, aggregation, dynamic loading, xml, JSON, web report, b/s report
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established