This utility is a graphical add-on for the command-line tool mbtPdfAsm written by Thierry Schmit. mbtPdfAsm allows extracting individual or several pages from one or more input documents to assemble a new PDF document from those pages. BeCyPDFAsm assists in configuring such a job by means of an intuitive dialog-based user interface and calls mbtPdfAsm behind the scences. This way, the end user is saved from learning the proper command-line usage. BeCyPDFAsm does not contain mbtPdfAsm, this tool must be separately downloaded. If mbtPdfAsm.exe is not stored in the same directory as BeCyPDFAsm, a configuration file may be used to tell BeCyPDFAsm the installation path to mbtPdfAsm. mbtPdfAsm is freeware and should be available for free download at the mbtPdfAsm website. The current version of BeCyPDFAsm was developed for usage with mbtPdfAsm version 1.0.25 or higher. Finally note that BeCyPDFAsm does currently not wrap all functions of mbtPdfAsm.
Related Searches: frontend, add-On, wrapper, GUI, dialog, mbtPdfAsm, PDF, Assembling
Recent Changes: Please see http://www.becyhome.de/becypdfasm/description_ger.htm#version for the complete version history
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: German, English, Italian
Additional Requirements: Not Established