Setup your own Webcam broadcast and webcam chat! All you need is a web-camera and WebVideoStreamer application.
WebVideoStreamer is a avc 264 flash encoder and broadcast streaming tool. It could replace such mature solutions as: flashcom, wowza media server, adobe flash encoder, icecast server, red5 server and similar. Streaming experts easily can install streaming hosts with live webcasting capabilities, streaming video functionality, flash video encoder. It's never been so cheap and easy to create streaming media server even without streaming how to.
Video streamer transfer flv streaming over http protocol which allows to access your live chat, video camera surveillance and other webcam broadcasts even behind firewalls or nat networks.
WebVideoStreamer allows you to stream flv in different quality simultaneously to satisfy all kind of internet connections. h264 encoder used to generate hq flash video.
Any webcam broadcast could be accompanied with audio broadcast in speex format. WebVideoStreamer syncronize audio and video flows in flash video streams automatically.
Custom server broadcast could be fueled with such advanced features as flash playlists support in next formats: JSON, MRSS and Smil and automatically generated and interactively updated streams preview images.
WebVideoStreamer is constantly improved following your requests. Upcoming versions will include such features, as: rtsp streaming, mms streaming, streaming silverlight, video transcoding, push streaming, rtp streaming, flv rtmp, multicast streaming and so forth. Don't miss your affordable stream video solution.
Related Searches: webcam chat, streaming video, live chat, encoder flash, surveillance video camera, streaming video capture, stream video, streaming darwin, flashcom, webcam surveillance, flash video encoder, avc 264, rtsp streaming, adult streaming video, flv stream
Recent Changes: Added audio support in Live streams using Speex codec; Added several new server commands: list, pictures; Added FlowPlayer support; Control Center GUI improvements; Samples and demos updated; Service installation error fixed; minor bug fixes.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, Russian
Additional Requirements: Intel Pentium 4/ AMD Athlon or better; RAM volume: 1024mb or more; DirectX 8.1 or higher.