WAV joiner software can join combine concatenate add append multiple small WAVE audio and make a single big music file without decreasing quality and without any mistake and working process is very simple and easy. You may hear preview of combined WAVE file by using inbuilt player by clicking on "Play after merge" option. Waveform-Audio or WAV Concatenate can call as WAV merger, WAV combiner, WAV assembler, WAV adder etc. User can hear joined wav music with any music player in any time. This tool supports combination of batch WAVE files processing. WAV join application can gives you best GUI and it works very fast. You can append numerous compressed WAVE files into a big managed file and also hear this added file. Compressed audio combiner can join them to one compressed WAV file with same parameter such as frequency, channels and bits per sample. With help of this utility you can combine merge add assemble manage join arrange WAV sound files and create a big compressed WAV audio file. It can simply work in WAVE files and also able to change the order of WAV files in merging process. This program successfully works on Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, Win7, both x32 and x64 bit platform.
* Merge several WAV files into a single large file.
* A small inbuilt player for pre-listening.
* Program supports to add mono or stereo wav files.
* This tool is time saving and cost-effective software.
* Application merges wav file at fast speed without degrading its sound quality.
* Program has very simple, easy to use and user friendly interface.
* Easily rearrange the order of the WAVE files for merging process.
* Supports to combine 8-bit or 16-bit WAV files.
* Provides best GUI.
* Compatible with all latest OS like XP, Vista, 7.
* Supports both 32 bit and 64 bit OS.
Related Searches: WAV, Joiner, Software, Join, Combine, Add, Multiple, Recorded, Sound, Files, Concatenate, Audio, Merger, Combiner, Tool, Append, Organize, Arrange, Batch, Download, Free, Several, WAVE, Joining, Adder, Merge, Create, Make, Two, Clip, One, Utility
Recent Changes: Adding new techniques for merging and joining multiple WAV files
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 128MB RAM, 5MB free disk space, .Net Framework 2.0 or more