This plugin is your cost free employ to fill in the fields for each tag.
Tag pages are created automatically by the script. Still the script only completes the tag field.
So an empty page won't do too much for SEO. To get a better place in search engine results you'll have to complete 3 lines ( SEO Title, SEO Keywords, Description ).
Not much you would say. Indeed to complete 3 lines it is an easy job for everybody.
What happens if you have 1000 tags? We reached 6000+ tag pages. What do you do then?
How much time will it take to complete 18.000 lines?
But, as there is not tag limit, who knows how many lines you'll have to complete!
In this point, for this problem that will appear, the right question is: how can it be done fast an easy?
Tag Page Optimizer resolves this problem. It does not matter how many tag pages you have. This plugin is you cost free employ to fill in the fields for each tag.
Let's look from another perspective: for 19$ paid to someone else ? how many tag pages do you think he will complete for this sum of money?
Not as much as you would like? Consider that there is nothing spectacular in doing this job and in fact this is a boring repetitive work! Now try to find an answer for the question above ? or:
Leave this job to Tag Page Optimizer plugin and focus on the important aspects of the business, like:
How can I make more money with this script?!
Related Searches: coupon, script, discount, php, affiliate, voucher, webmaster, site, source code, automatically, automate, income, easy, repeat traffic, commission, purchase, turnkey site, moneymaking, business, tag, voucher, deal, offer, comment
Recent Changes: none
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: none