Internet parental control software is essential in any family home these days. The Internet is full of pornographic material and other material which is inappropriate for children. Unfortunately, with many parental control solutions, children these days are often technically savvy enough to circumvent such controls. On the other side, parents are often not computer savvy enough to be able to set up the controls appropriately. However, one program which tackles this solution is WhiteNet Home Edition. This software is powerful, impossible to circumvent yet extremely user friendly. Setting it up and configuring it is an easy process which anyone can do regardless of their level of computer knowledge. The software detects pornography related keywords in up to eight different languages and blocks sites which contain these keywords accordingly. The software can also block access to certain applications such as download managers and instant messaging programs. To find out more, visit the product website at [url removed]
Related Searches: Internet parental control, Internet filter, parental control software, block pornography, protect children on-line, context analysis, children safety on the Internet, Whitenet
Recent Changes: Internet parental control
Install Support: Install Only
Supported Languages: English, Estonian, French, German, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian
Additional Requirements: Processor: 1 GHz or higher; RAM: 128 Mb or higher; Hard drive: 100 MB of available space