Free WMV to 3GP Converter is for you to convert WMV to 3GP video file, so as to play and enjoy videos in WMV on Mobile phones like Motorola, Nokia, Anycall, etc.If your cell phone is not a 3G mobile, Video Converter may be your best choice, if your cell phone supports 3G, then you can use the Free WMV to 3GP Converter to convert WMV to 3GP or 3G2.Moreover, you can have the video trimmed, dimension cropped for your cell phone's need.
Related Searches: wmv to 3gp, wmv to 3gp converter, convert wmv to 3gp, free wmv to 3gp converter, wmv on mobile phones
Recent Changes: Support more than 220 types video convert,improve converting performance
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista, Windows 7;1GHz Intel/AMD processor or above