ConnectCode HTML Barcode SDK is a HTML and Javascript barcode generation Software Development Kit (SDK). It creates commonly-used 1 dimensional barcodes like Code 128, Code39, UPCA, EAN13 and others using pure Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and can be used in a wide variety of browsers without additional browser plug-ins.
The SDK does not employ the use of graphics image. Instead, it uses pure HTML tags/code for generating and printing the barcodes. This overcomes typical problems associated with the generation of images on the client (browser), e.g. limited support of the Data URI feature in specific versions of the browsers.
Pure Client Side Technology
The SDK uses Javascript to perform validation of data, automated insertion of check digit and generation of the pure HTML barcode. As it employs only client (browser) side technologies, it requires no programming in the server. The barcodes can be updated and modified without establishing new connections to the server and it does not matter whether .Net, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails or Perl is deployed on the server side. Modern HTML techniques like Asynchronous Javascript and XML (AJAX) can also be applied on the barcodes easily.
Proven Barcode Engine
The HTML Barcode SDK is based on the popular barcode solution engine developed by ConnectCode and is trusted by many fortune 500 companies around the world. Our company has helped many organizations clear their independent barcode verifications and thus have the expertise and knowledge to create the highest quality barcodes. This important knowledge is manifested in all our barcode products including the HTML Barcode SDK.
Related Searches: html barcode, html barcode software, html barcode sdk
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 64 MB Ram, 10 MB Diskspace, Pentium 4