Hidden from each other, players places 10 ships in their own playing area (the top area is your area, the bottom area is opponent's area). One 4-deck, two 3-deck, three 2-deck and four 1-deck ships. Ships can't hold neighbouring vertically, horizontally or diagonally cells.
After the all ships have been placed the battle begins. Shooting at the cells, the player must guess a location of the opponent ships. If cell don't have a ship, then the opponent makes its move, else the shot burns a ship deck and the ship gets 'wound' status. If the ship don't have alive decks, it gets 'dead' status. After successful shot the player can repeat its move. Players can accumulates additional shots (max - 5) for a volley each fourth move. The volley can be made instead a player shot. The one that has destroy all opponent ships first wins.
Related Searches: logic game, puzzle
Recent Changes: New release
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, Russian
Additional Requirements: RAM 64 mb