The Right File Cleaner fixes a few typical problems with text data files: removes duplicated and empty rows, removes extra spaces, fixes wrong capitalization, removes non-printable symbols from values, add lost spaces, etc.
This utility is most suitable for clearing data received from external sources like B2B partners, customers, public storages. It helps to make data better before import to local information system or another use.
The program supports a few text data file formats. There are tab-delimited files, CSV files and files with custom separators. The cleaner creates useful HTML clearing report with problems and clearing operations descriptions.
Optional, the program can save duplicates to supplemental file as well as broken rows, i.e. rows that have more or less columns than required.
To review clearing process the cleaner offers project report with detailed information about specified clearing rules: leading, duplicated and trailing spaces removing, lost spaces adding feature, capitalization method, etc. The user can specify file level clearing options as well as assign individual options for each column of the data file.
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Related Searches: data clearing, file clearing, data cleaning, file cleaning
Recent Changes: New release
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Microsoft .Net