TimeSheet: the smart automated time tracking solution.
TimeSheet is a powerful and extremely easy to use automated time & task recording tool for professionals.
It will improve accountability by increasing the billable hours: let the tool register what you are doing on your computer, what documents you are working on and for how long.
TimeSheet key features listed:
- Real time automated logging of tasks and projects based on frequently used applications and documents;
- Use smart rules to automatically determine the task and project working on;
- No data entry- unless you want to add something specific;
- Less time spend on administration;
- Accurate project budget control;
- Increase your profits: bill the registered hours you easily would forget;
- Improve your productivity;
- Track billable and non-billable working hours accurately;
- Automatic attendance logging;
- Recording of all used applications, including screen titles and duration;
- Use historic recorded data to allow for better future project budgeting;
- Reports can be exported to Excel;
- Easy to use, clear and simple software.
TimeSheet runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/Server 2008.
Website: www.BusinessRunner.net/TimeSheet/
Download: www.businessrunner.net/TimeSheet/Files/setup.exe
"How does it work" & screen prints: www.BusinessRunner.net/TimeSheet/Help/?ref=pad
Related Searches: TimeSheet, time sheet, work time, worktime, attendance, billable hours, project administration, task administration, project budget control, time tracking, automated time tracking, weekly time report, freelance hour registration, excel hour
Recent Changes: The automatic application update mechanism is in place now
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, Dutch
Additional Requirements: none