MFC Extension class library enabling programmers to add sending and receiving SMS messages to their software applications easily. All functionality is included in single C++ class with very good documentation. It is provided with easy understandable sample.
- Set various messaging and network parameters (PIN, SMSC, Message Memory etc.)
-Read modem and network information (Manufacturer, IMEI, Model, Signal Strength etc)
- Reading of delivery report about sent SMS message
- Send AT commands to GSM modem
- Receive a modem answer from GSM modem
- The maximal length of single SMS message is 160 characters. (ETSI ES 201 901 protocol 1)
- Messages are coded as PDU, according to the GSM 03.40 specification If PDU mode is used, any encoding can be implemented.
- SMS message can be sent to one or several phone numbers
- Sent SMS is associated with reference number. - for good traceability of the sent SMS
- Optimized and tested for following operators: Orange, T-Mobile, DK SONOFON
- It is opened for use with other network operators
- GSM modem or phone can be connected to any personal computer via standard communication interfaces (RS-232, IrDA, Bluetooth, USB)
- Optimized and tested for next modems or mobiles: Wavecom Fastrack, Falcom Samba 55, FALCOM TANGO 55, NOKIA 6151, SONY ERICSSON K750
- It is opened for using GSM modems from other vendors that complies with ETSI specification GSM 07.05
- STANDARD - entitles you to install on one or multiple computers within one single geographical premises of an organization/company/enterprise. It does not entitle you to rent, lease or distribute it either as standalone or bundled with an application.
- DISTRIBUTION - the same as previous plus the additional rights to rent, lease or distribute an unlimited number of licenses outside your organization but only bundled with your application
Related Searches: sms library, C++ class library, sms software, condition based messaging, server, sms office messaging, sms business messaging, condition based messaging, sms reporting, sms alarming, sae, automation
Recent Changes: new
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Computer/Processor Pentium II compatible CPU,Memory: recommended 512 MB, .NET Framework 2