Trader Notes will help a trader to store each deal in a convenient form. Thus, you will miss nothing during the analysis of your trader transactions. The program allows you to add, edit and remove transactions (buying and selling stocks, shares, bonds, futures, etc.). Besides, you can enter your comments, plans and impressions into the diary.
No matter what software the trader uses to trade on the stock market, Trader Notes will always help to constantly control the state of the portfolio displaying changes in it as a graph.
Most traders, especially beginners, make the same mistakes. Stress and strain can make a person react to the situation in an inadequate way. That is why you need a trader diary: it allows you to track market signs and their influence on trades, helps you control strains and emotions, reveals the logics of trades, motives, actions. Conclusions drawn as a result of this analysis will help to avoid repeating the same mistakes.
It may often be painful to analyze past trades ? it is not so easy to get over and over past losses. But it is necessary if you want to get rid of unsuccessful deals. A diary makes the trader more careful and self-confident. Understand your mistakes, fix them and it will be the first step on the way of improving your strategy. Even before you enter the market, you should write down the reasons why you cut this particular deal. It will allow you to work out the clear picture of making the right decisions.
Recommended by stock market professionals!
Related Searches: trader, diary, stock, fond, performance, log, securities, transaction, option, future, share, profit, loss, liquidity, buy, sell
Recent Changes: German
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, German, Russian
Additional Requirements: Not Established