WAV merger software is used to join two or more recorded WAVE format audio sound files into one large size WAVE file. Wav Joiner can merge wav or wave files into one large wav file. No matter what input wav formats are, such as different sample frequency, channels or bits per sample. Wav Merger can combine or join them to one wav file with same parameter. (Wav or Wave is short for waveform-audio format.) WAV file combiner utility combines an unlimited number of WAV sound files with a combined size of GB. Wave joining combining application is an easy to use program to add organize arrange merge combine concatenate join multiple WAV files into bigger WAV format. WAV file creator utility is able to handle number of large files to attach into large wav file and save it at user defined area. This tool makes you to capable to handle and process batch WAV files at once in very easy way without degrading of its audio sound quality. Sometimes user wants to access various WAVE files one by one due to their work requirement, in this scenario WAVE Merger is time saving and quick solution to process multiple WAVE files by joining them together and generate one big WAVE file. Software has in-built player to listen preview of merged WAV file. Software supports Mono / stereo, 8-bit / 16-bit WAV files with a range of sampling rates.
* WAV merger has user friendly GUI.
* Software merges multiple wav file into a large wave file.
* WAV joiner has the best merging techniques that performs your system at an incredible speed.
* WAV combiner supports mono / stereo, 8 bit / 16 bit wav files.
* This application is very simple, light, easy and fast.
* Easily rearrange the order of the WAVE files for merging process.
* WAV file merging utility supports Windows 98, 2000, 2003, ME, NT, NT 3.x, NT 4.x, XP, Vista, 7 Ultimate operating system.
Related Searches: WAV, Merger, Software, File, Merge, Merging, Combiner, Joiner, Create, Join, Combine, Organize, Add, Arrange, Concatenate, Manage, Joining, Combining, Adding, Organizing, Multiple, Several, WAVE, Files, Application, Free, Download, Utility, Tool
Recent Changes: Adding new techniques for merging and joining multiple WAV files
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Pentium class processor, 128MB RAM, 5 MB free disk space, .Net Framework 2.0 or more