Classifieds Script developed by ClassifiedScript.Org allows you to start own Classified Website in a
few hours ! Script developed on PHP + MySql and supported almost by
all web hosting companies.
Your classifieds site can have up to 6 different themes, you can
choose them by one click from admin panel.
Make money from Listing Fee and Google adsense / Banners.
You can Enable/Disable WYSIWYG Editor for ad posting from Admin panel.
Insert Google Analytics: Simply Put good analytics code or any other code for tracking.
Google Map Key: You can have map on site for each listing.
Notifier: A HTML or plain text message appear on home page after defined seconds,
You can use this option for optin form or any message for visitors.
If you leave it blank, no message will appear for visitors.
In Listings section you control Number of listing display for each page that
include Home Page New ads, Category Page, Sponsred ads on home page, Sponsored ads on Category Page.
RSS Feeds for listings. Can pass parameters to change what is included.
Counts the number of views for each listing plus the number of views from the category and search page.
Related Searches: classified script, classifieds script, php classified script, classified ads script
Recent Changes: Added multy-language classifieds script support.
Install Support: Install Only
Supported Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish
Additional Requirements: PHP, MySQL