Resource Tuner Console is a tool that enables developers to automate batch editing of the resources embedded in 32 and 64-bit Windows executable files. This command-line resource editor allows using VBScript to create a repeatable process for updating and customizing the file properties during the final stage of the build process, or at any time you wish to make modifications of file version information on existing Windows EXE or DLL files without needing to recompile the source code. The program is well suited for integrating into your build system, and takes the drudgery out of manual editing and repetitive tasks. All the functionality of Resource Tuner Console is called from within your script. Resource Tuner Console fully supports Unicode and lets you add, edit or delete strings and XML application manifests in multiple languages, swap icons and bitmaps, update version information for several hundred files at once, and more. Sample scripts illustrated the main features can be found within the Resource Tuner Console package. RTC handles a variety of different 32-bit PE ("portable executable") file types, including .EXE, .DLL, .SCR, .CPL, Device Drivers (.SYS), OCX Controls, and Borland Libraries (.dpl and .bpl). Whenever large numbers of files have to be processed or to be accessible through scripting, you need Resource Tuner Console.
Related Searches: resource, editor, dll, exe, batch, change, icon, file, version, commandline, script
Recent Changes: Version 2 is all new and completely rewritten, added two more ways of replacing Icon/Cursor entries with the ChangeIcon/Cursor functions, added the UserErrorLevel property to return the user-defined exit codes, the main procedures became functions and now return True if the operation is successful.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish
Additional Requirements: 16 MB RAM