EzRegistryCleaner is the best choice to all your Windows registry errors and problems. This award winning and best selling world-class software starts by performing a deep scan and smart analysis of your system to detect invalid registry errors and protect your Windows system from crashing.
EzRegistryCleaner will repair or remove unused,outdated,invalid, corrupted and harmful registry entries to optimize your PC's performance. it can help you regularly keep your registry clean and boost up your PC. With EzRegistryCleaner you'll see immediate amazing increases in performance and decreases in system conflicts.
Feature Overview:
EzRegistryCleaner is an valualbe,effective, powerful all-in-one and comprehensive software program for optimizing your PC performance,increasing your Windows stability and general health, which includes:
Smart and Advanced problem detection technology
To detect invalid entries thoroughly in your Windows registry, dramatically enhancing performance and maximizing system potential.
System overview and detailed scan result report
Help you to know overall registry status, scan dates and results, and registry defrag and restore points created.
Improved defrag features for system performance and stability
Defragging and sorting out your Windows registry to protect your system from crashes and freezes and slowing down caused by registry fragmentation and errors.
Automatic scans at start-up to keep your registry optimized
To speed up your system performance and eliminate related system conflicts and slow-downs.
Intelligent Automatic backup and restore feature
Giving you the chance to back up and restore the registry when your system crashes.
Related Searches: EzRegistryCleaner, registry, clean, cleaner, fix erorr, speedup pc, pc slow, registry repair, Registry Fix, Registry Clean, registry cleaner, registry cleaners
Recent Changes: 1. Highly Improment Performance
2. Update DLL library
3. Add auto-repair feature
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: No