TEMPUSFUGIT is a nice program displaying time in Roman numerals and date in Latin in the Windows systray that you can use as a learning tool for educational purposes or just to remember school time with your friends. Main features are: Runs on Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/NT 2000 Display hours, minutes, seconds (or only hours and minutes) in Roman numerals. You can set Roman script mode (4=IIII, 9=VIIII, etc.) or medieval script mode (4=IV, 9=IX, etc.) Latin dates are displayed in Tooltip. You will be able to choose Roman year (from the foundation of Roma: 753 BC) or Christian year display. The font name, font colour, font size, background colour can be setup using a contextual menu (rigth click on the display zone) Language : Latin (settings in English). Enjoy and send to friends.
Related Searches: clock, utility, Tempusfugit, freeware, SysTray Tools, taskbar, watch, time, date, clock, systray, free, freeware, download, learn roman, bureautique, utility, utilitaire, logiciel, add-ins, software, tool, review, gratugiciel, telechargement, hora, calendar, time-related, tray
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, Other
Additional Requirements: Windows 32