Gene6 FTP Server is a professional Windows FTP Server featuring speed, reliability and customization. Its main assets are remote administration, encrypted (SSL) connection, and ease of use. Its fast performances allow it to run heavily loaded files servers worldwide but this does not make it out of range of smaller companies who will find in it a customizable, trustable and easy to admin FTP server at an affordable price.
Main features :
- Remote administration over secure connection.
- Secure SSL FTP support (implicit / explicit).
- SSL certificates management.
- Administrative accounts (admin, super admin).
- Unlimited virtual domains, user & group accounts.
- Bandwidth management (min/max, upload/download, entire server, domain, user).
- Activity, traffic monitoring.
- Virtual directories (UTF-8 support).
- Scripts (VB, JS), plugins.
Related Searches: ftp server, secure ftp server, ssl, gene6 ftp server, g6 ftp server, remote administration, host files
Recent Changes: Bug fixes and new options
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, French
Additional Requirements: Intel Pentium/AMD class CPU, 64MB, Network connection