Money Decoder is your financial organizer, teacher, guide, motivator, and calculator. Be minutes from complete financial organization, elimination of files, boxes, statements, policies and documents. Free 15-20 minute profile permanently places you "2-Clicks" from all your personal monetary information, definitions, summations, calculations, projections and estimations for; real estate, mortgages, debts, credit, investments, insurance, budget, etc.. Money Decoder saves time, motivates, simplifies,
clarifies, increases your confidence and understanding and puts you in control of your money!
Money Decoder enhances and simplifies almost everything you do financially. Plan options for each family member?s goals- education, weddings, life insurance, ... Simplify and itemize income & cash flow (primary careers, real estate cash flow, side jobs, etc.). Organize a simple and complete budget that can be maintained with minimal effort on an ongoing basis. Track mortgage amounts, rates & term changes, real estate values, equity & rental cash flow. Money Decoder auto-calculates pay-offs, blended rates, change
dates, interest costs, monthly totals, and more? Forecast retirement, college, emergency needs, etc. Allocate and organize investment accounts and amounts. Purchase, finance, and lease automobiles more effectively. Choose insurance policies based on efficient deductibles and proper risk coverage's. Purchase life insurance based on the right type and right amounts.
Money Decoder is the one class that should be taught in school and is the one gift that should be given at graduation! It works for all income levels and all ages. It requires little maintenance and is a tool that you keep for life!
Related Searches: Financial management, money management, financial software, financial organization, financial calculator, retirement, college, budget, insurance, complete financial management, consumer finances, personal money management
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows 2000 or Higher.