MSCCrypto is COM component for Active Server Pages and stand-alone applications. It includes collection of the best encryption and hashing algorithms:
- RSA public key algorithm (512/1024/2048 bits key size)
- AES symmetric block algorithm (128/192/256 bits key size)
- Blowfish symmetric block algorithm (64 to 448 bits key size)
- Cast5 (Cast 128) symmetric block algorithm (128 bits key size)
- TripleDES symmetric block algorithm (192 bits key size)
- Twofish symmetric block algorithm (128/192/256 bits key size)
- MD5 hash (128 bits hash)
- SHA1 hash (160 bits hash)
- Ripemd hash (160 bits hash)
- 32-bit CRC checksum algorithm
- 24-bit CRC checksum algorithm
Additionally, MSCCrypto 2.0 includes PGP/OpenPGP - compatible component, MSCCyrptoPGP.
It allows you to exchange symmetrically encrypted information between MSCCrypto and various cryptographic applications in binary and armored (text) form.
With MSCCrypto, you can keep sensitive or private information of your customers safe and undisclosed.
All algoritms are exact implementations of respective standards.
Miraplacid Crypto Component core is proprietary Miraplacid Crypto Library. It is not an object wrapper around the Microsoft CryptoAPI.
Related Searches: ASP, ASP Component, Scripting Host, JavaScript, VBScript, Visual Basic, Freeware, Shareware, Linux, Chili!Soft, ChiliASP, ActiveX, COM, components, IIS, Spice
Recent Changes: Installer and component 64-bit compatibility,minor fixes
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows + IIS version 4.0 or above