Automated guest management for small hotels and B&B.
Are you an innkeeper running a small hotel or a Bed and Breakfast? Straighten up your paperwork, eliminate errors and make your life easier with automated guest management!
Inn Planner takes care of all accounting issues in a small inn establishment of up to 30 rooms. It handles everything from reservations to invoicing to generating financial reports.
Being the first truly visual product to help small hotels manage their rooms, guests and services, Inn Planer visualizes the availability of your rooms as color-coded blocks, allowing you to see immediately what rooms and what rates are available on certain dates. Making a reservation for your guests is as simple as a few mouse clicks!
Inn Planner is an ideal companion for handling extra charges. It accounts for all additional fees for the extras such as meals, room phone calls and services, conveniently maintaining a database of these charges. Needless to say that Inn Planner generates a complete invoice with all necessary taxes and surcharges applied at the time of check-out!
Coupons and discounts are handled as easily as the extras. Inn Planner allows you to create a complex promotional campaign, manage agent discounts and issue and accept discount coupons. At a later time, you can analyze the performance of any promotional campaign by automatically generating a corresponding report. Season discounts are easy with Inn Planner. Simply enter your seasonal rates, and your entire reservation system will be automatically updated.
Different rooms can provide different levels of accommodation within the same establishment. Inn Planner fully recognizes this need, and allows you to differentiate prices among the rooms.
Inn Planner has been developed in tight cooperation with three successful B&B, and 12 competing products were analyzed. These efforts allowed to create a product that is both powerful and simple use.
Related Searches: Reservation, Management, Inn, Hotel, Hostel, Accounting
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Ms Windows