Backup in nearly real time! RealTimeBackup means: start up and forget it! Existing backup jobs will be processed automatically - you don?t need to attend to your backups anymore! RealTimeBackup was designed for running in the background (after Windows starts up) and it needs only a minimum of computers capacity. If RealTimeBackup is minimized, you can see its icon in the taskbar. With RealTimeBackup you can backup all your files, folders or entire drives in nearly real time. Every backup job is either a ZIP-compressed folder or copies of the files and folders. Combine several folders and files to one backup job, which will be processed after an individual schedule. For that, different intervals are available like daily, weekly, monthly, once or several times a day, week or month. You can choose the point of time of the backup to the minute. The backup to a ZIP-compressed folder is a ZIP-file and can be opened with the most package programs. Additionally, priority and compression rate of each backup job are user defined. Because RealTimeBackup needs very less computer capacity, you can still work on during the backup is running. Even some files can be saved which are still in use. Save your files on any medium you want except streamer. RealTimeBackup is available as Edition STANDARD and PROFESSIONAL and can be used exclusively for your data backup or additionally in larger networks. Standard Edition contains all basic backup functions for a single computer. Professional Edition supports additionally backups from and to network drives and Windows Server Operating Systems.
Related Searches: Datensicherung, Backup, Tool, Sicherung, Echtzeit, RealTime, Mirror, Zeitplan, schedule
Recent Changes:
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: German, English
Additional Requirements: Pentium III 1500 MHz, 512 MB Ram