Genie Archive for Outlook will take on the needs of the demanding industry and provide a solution for all your business needs providing you with a simple yet speedy and secure way for archiving, searching, and extracting e-mail. It works silently when there is no user interaction, eliminating computer slowdown when the computer is in need. This Add-in can easily be configured to archive your entire mailbox, a defined mail folder, or specified e-mail using a given time interval.
Genie Archive for Outlook Spam Handling feature synchronizes archived e-mail with your PST and deletes spam from it when it is deleted or moved to Junk Folder. You can also decide whether or not to include encrypted and/or decrypted PGP e-mail.
Genie Archive for Outlook includes support for both Microsoft Outlook 2003 and 2007, allows for reduction in reliance on cumbersome PST files - prone to corruption, loss through hardware failure, and requiring complex backup plans.
For companies that have been in the industry for years, with heaps of e-mail, singling out a critical e-mail needed right then and now can be time consuming and even impossible. That's why Genie Archive for Outlook provides end-users with a simple, easy to use search utility to swiftly search and extract archived e-mail. This can be done by using different search criteria to rule out and extract required e-mail.
With security becoming a major issue nowadays for access to company financial records, business deals, and proposals; U.S. government-certified Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) can be enabled to prevent from unauthorized access.
By implementing a comprehensive archiving solution that assists in a better data management and search, companies can be prepared for legal discoveries. Genie Archive for Outlook helps comply with Sarbanes-Oxley and other relevant regulations
Related Searches: Archive, Outlook, Search, AES, automatic, SPAM Mangement, PGP
Recent Changes: Enhanced Search, more search criteria, Changed encryption password handling, custom junk folders
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 10MB free disk space