TssResourceAllocationChart, like its name suggests, draws a chart suitable for showing the allocation of shared resources. Those resources could represent shared rooms, cars, in fact anything at all.
Once you have a chart, you can:
* add or delete resources.
* add or delete allocations for each resource.
* change the bar style and colour of any resource.
* change the appearance of all or any specific allocation by changing the pen or brush attributes in the OnAllocationDraw event, or by using the OwnerDraw style.
* drag the entire chart right or left.
* drag a a single or multiple allocations right or left.
* drag an allocation from one resource to another.
* click and drag the end of an allocation to expand or contract it
Related Searches: resource, allocation, chart, graphic, Delphi, component, shared, slot, schedule, scheduler, plan, planner, planboard, gannt, date, time, year, month, day, hour
Recent Changes: Minor update.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established