This utility will be handy for people who would like to leave their computer unattended for some time before automatically turning it off (logging off a user, rebooting it, sending it into hibernation or stand-by mode). TOff can perform these tasks at a certain day and time (one time or every day), as well as after a certain period of mouse & keyboard, CPU or network inactivity with the seconds discrepancy. I used it every time when I left my computer at the office to download some stuff from the Internet and then to turn it off at night so that it looked as if nothing happened in the morning.
Special features:
(1) Can shutdown, reboot or log off almost every Windows operating system that has Advanced Power Management (APM) enabled (Check Control Panel -> Power Options);
(2) Any system that supports hibernation can be hibernated on timer (i.e., switching off your computer without closing running programs);
(3) Any system that supports stand-by (or Sleep) mode can be sent into it on timer;
(4) Provides a log for the last operation (so that you can check if power operation occurred on time);
(5) Can be set to run every day, or every time current user logs on;
(6) Can perform all of the above operations after a certain period of PC, CPU, or network inactivity;
(7) Can run in various safe modes to prevent unsafe execution of a power operation;
(8) Can be run from a command line to perform additional operations;
(9) You can save the state of the program in a MS DOS batch file to run it with the same settings later.
Related Searches: TOff, hibernation, turn-off, shut-down, stand-by, reboot, logoff, computer inactivity, CPU usage, network inactivity, timer shut-down
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: No Install Support
Supported Languages: English, French
Additional Requirements: IBM PC + Advanced Power Management support