"GPS for Google Earth" converts the free Google-Earth-Version into to a realtime GPS-navigation for laptop and netbook. The own GPS-position it shown and tracked in real time in "Google Earth". Also by night, with fog or mist you'll see your current movement like on a bright day on the screen.
Each tour is automatically recorded. One may play animations of formerly recorded GPS logs.
Each one how owns a Laptop or Netbook has with "GPS for Google Earth" a navigation tool for the road, offroad, on the water or on the air.
In addition one needs only a little GPS receiver. There's no need to bye a full navigational system. A so called GPS mouse or a GPS USB dongle are available in low cost level.
The connection may be established by cable, USB or Bluetooth. The software itself is'nt restricted to a special manufacturer.
The program works with each GPS Receiver that provides NMEA. But this is the case for all commercially available receivers.
The program is'nt retricted to only one country. The GPS reception works all over the world and is independent of the internet. Even in fare-away places you'll find a way there and back.
Even without mobile internet one may use the system out of the home. "Google Earth" remembers images and maps once shown in the screen in its so called Cache memory.
If you revise calmly at home all interesting areas (you plan to visit on a tour) in "Google Earth" with an active internet conmection, all this maps stay available in "Google Earth" even after disconnecting the internet. Now you may take the Latop into the car or on the boat and will have all necessary maps "in the bag".
Related Searches: Google Earth, GPS, Navigation, realtime, Cache, Log, Track
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: German, English, Spanish
Additional Requirements: "Google Earth" muss installiert