Increase MySpace Music Plays and Soundclick Plays, Increase Youtube Video Plays. Works with New MySpace Player. The mp3 song plays increaser features great support, plays increase, video views increaser, and profile hits increaser, with unlimited profiles. Select to increase all songs or any particluar song. Climb up the myspace and soundclick charts, attention from record labels, gigs, venues, club promoters. Unlimited Plays. Features Scheduling, Automated proxy import, and much more!
Related Searches: myspace plays, increase myspace plays, increase myspace music plays, get more myspace plays, song plays on myspace, song plays, increase profile views, plays increaser, myspace, new myspace, increase, increase soundclick plays, soundclick
Recent Changes: MP3 Song Plays is now the only MySpace song increaser that works with the new MySpace Music, YouTube video plays and profile views can now be increased through MP3 Song Plays, The new Scheduling feature allows you to schedule your plays so you can increase them even if you are on vacation
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: Danish, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Additional Requirements: 500 MHz processor, 256 Ram, 50+MB hard drive space