DataRoamer is a tool for easily exploring the structure and data in a relational database. DataRoamer's GUI interface provides point and click schema navigation and queries.
Features include:
Tree-like navigation of the database schema.
Point and click data selection.
Multi-column sorts.
Save and reuse screen layouts.
Right-click menus and tooltips make it unnecessary to remember commands.
Can run from a flash drive.
Autocomplete dropdowns for text entry, created from the database.
Multiple windows can be open on one or more databases.
Large values are displayed in "mouse-over" popups.
Images in the database are detected and automatically displayed.
Drag and drop rearrangement of tables and columns.
Automatic display of related table rows.
Extract data to multiple formats.
Optimized for fast data access.
Scaleable display for easier viewing.
Databases: Direct support for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and later, Oracle 8i and later, MySQL 5.06 and later, PostgreSQL 8.0 and later, and Microsoft Access 2000 and later. DataRoamer also supports generic ODBC and OLE DB connections.
Related Searches: database, viewer, gui, query, view, relational, relationsips, sql, schema, table
Recent Changes: New features in DataRoamer 2:
Saved Layouts - save and reuse an arrangement of tables and columns.
Portable Mode - DataRoamer can be copied to and run from a flash drive.
Support for Database Views.
New filter operations "like" and "not like".
Option to copy data in RTF format.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established