This is the perfect unique tool that quickly submits your information/links to message boards/blogs
or many other web scripts using the most effective technique and offers
you fantastic opportunities for your web site promotion, increasing the
link popularity of your web project. NOW WITH PROXIES
The most effective method of increasing the link popularity of your site is to post to online message boards, blogs.
We are very glad that we can introduce our message
boards/blogs submission software to you.
This is a unique product that gives you a possibility of enhanced
submission to many blogs/boards over the web.
The main features of our submission software are: enhanced submission
services, searching of blog sites, saving list of blog site URLs, Proxies available, Skio list, History of queries
You have a possibility to post unlimited amount of data sets to many messages boards, blogs or other scripts with different submission form structure!
By pressing a button you can send your information to many scripts with
different submission form structure. You will get full posting
statistics! After sending the information you can get all posting
results. Posting results are logged and are available in the reports
Increase your traffic and Search Engines popularity using Blogs AutoFiller/ blog submitter!
Related Searches: promotion tools, message board submitter, blog submitter, advertising products, advertising and promotion, auto advertising, referral marketing, set links, pay per click, auto fill, search engine rankings, referred site, increase traffic
Recent Changes: Uinstaller added, core is stable, proxies support, skip list, history of queries
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Sun JVM 1.6.2 [there is a bundle with JRE included at product's site]