Convert avi/mpeg/wmv/asf to dvd vcd svcd mpeg1 mpeg2 with NTSL/ PAL option setting and color adjustment in batch mode. Support split and joint function. Support Divx and Xvid format, Support mpeg1, mpeg2 and mpeg4 format. Support fixed, proportional and cropping frame for exporting video. Color tools include color balance and color curve tool. It is easy to use. Support almost all audio format (8k, 11k, 22k, 44k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k and 48k audio sample). Separate and convert middle segment video. Paste your own LOGO on exported video.
Related Searches: Not Established
Recent Changes: Batch convert avi/mpeg/wmv/asf to dvd, vcd, svcd, mpeg1 and mpeg2 format file.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Pentium II with MMX, 128MB RAM, 500MB Disk space