AnalyseSpider 3.01 by: Jgsoft Associates

AnalyseSpider is a Log File Analyzer tool with a wealth of analysis to help you
License: Shareware, Price: $49.95 US
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Downloads: 31
Size: 7667 K
Date: 2004-05-26
Keywords: log analyzer, log analyser, log file analyzer, logfiles, logfile analyzer, visitors, analyser, log file analysis, server logs, raw logs, log files, raw server logs, web logs, log analysis, spider web, web promotion spider, http logs, trackers, web stats
Multi-Remote Registry Change 4.0 by: Eytcheson Software

Fast, Easy and Complete Remote Registry Management for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/V
License: Shareware, Price: $55.00 US
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Downloads: 18
Size: 4092 K
Date: 2004-05-01
Keywords: Remote, Registry, Remote Registry, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Network, Management, Administrator, Administration, REG_MULTI_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Administrative Tools, System Administration, Roaming Profile
Easy Filesplit 1.6 by: Paehl

A high performance filesplit with CRC32-Check and with filecrypt TWOFISH 256 bit
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 28
Size: 158 K
Date: 2004-01-28
Keywords: Filesplit
INIFile.DLL 2.0.0 by: Codebox Software

A COM DLL providing easy object-oriented access to INI files
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 44
Size: 22 K
Date: 2004-01-24
Keywords: vb, ini file, ini, file, inifile, codebox, com, activex, dll, inifile.dll, ocx
Express Notes Information Organiser 1.02 by: NCH Software

Card file, address book and phone book program for Windows
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 56
Size: 104 K
Date: 2003-11-02
Keywords: address book, application, cardfile, card file, phone book, addressbook, phonebook, computer, diary, download, downloads, free, azz, personal information manager, pim software, rolodex, freeware
LabVault Data encryption utility 1.0 by: Labtam Inc.

Safeguard files, e-mails, passwords using strong data encryption.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 78
Size: 1163 K
Date: 2003-07-07
Keywords: data protection, data security, data encryption, file encryption, file lock, computer security, security software, file protecti
ActiveXplorer 4.0.203 by: Aivosto Oy

COM/.NET component analyzer and documentor for developers and administrators
License: Shareware, Price: $99.00 US
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Downloads: 51
Size: 2659 K
Date: 2003-02-04
Keywords: activex, ocx, .NET assembly, reflection, typelib, reverse engineer, binary file analyzer, Visual Studio, COM
WinClean Pro by: Systweak Software
A tool that makes your PC run faster and cleaner by removing all unwanted traces
License: Shareware, Price: $29.50 US
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Downloads: 33
Size: 1669 K
Date: 2003-01-06
Keywords: Clean junk files, shred files, registry clutter, remove traces, online and offline activities, system cleaner, duplicate files, unwanted files, streamline registry, obsolete data, boost performance, tweak system, optimize, fast internet access
wodFtpDLX 3.3.8 by: WeOnlyDo Software

Secure FTP client ActiveX component that supports FTP, FTPS and SFTP protocol
License: Shareware, Price: $219.00 US
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Downloads: 31
Size: 4979 K
Date: 2002-08-28
Keywords: FTP, component, encrypted, FTPS, SFTP, secure, security, protocol, SSL, FTP+SSL, file transfer, com, control, object, DLL, ActiveX, OCX