wodSSH.NET 2.5.3 by: WeOnlyDo Software

wodSSH.NET is a client SSH and Telnet component for .NET framework
License: Shareware, Price: $199.00 US
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Downloads: 45
Size: 2641 K
Date: 2002-04-14
Keywords: wodSSH.NET, SSH, shell, .NET, component, encrypted, secure, security, protocol, client, SSH1, SSH2, encrypted, Telnet
wodSFTPdll 3.6.2 by: WeOnlyDo Software

This is win32 dynamic dll library, provided only for VC (and similar) customers
License: Shareware, Price: $209.00 US
[read more] [download]
Downloads: 30
Size: 2623 K
Date: 2002-03-08
Keywords: wodSFTPdll, library, client, component, encrypted, SFTP, secure, security, protocol, upload, download, transfer, SSH2, dll
wodMailbox 2.2.2 by: WeOnlyDo Software

wodMailbox provide full management over mailboxes and message parsing
License: Shareware, Price: $109.00 US
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Downloads: 31
Size: 1465 K
Date: 2001-11-15
Keywords: wodMailbox, Mailbox, Mail, activeX, component, encrypted, secure, security, protocol, parser, OCX, DLL, MIME, parsing, com, control, object
wodPop3Server by: WeOnlyDo Software

wodPop3Server Active X control provide full Pop3 protocol server implementation
License: Shareware, Price: $169.00 US
[read more] [download]
Downloads: 41
Size: 3428 K
Date: 2001-11-15
Keywords: wodPop3Server, component, POP3, Mail, encrypted, secure, security, protocol, SSL, server, ActiveX, DLL, OCX, com, control, object
wodSmtpServer 2.5.1 by: WeOnlyDo Software

wodSmtpServer ActiveX component is SMTP server component
License: Shareware, Price: $169.00 US
[read more] [download]
Downloads: 26
Size: 3990 K
Date: 2001-11-15
Keywords: wodSmtpServer, Mail, COM, Server, component, encrypted, SMTP, secure, security, protocol, SSL, activex, dll, ocx, control, object