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Quoter Amanuensis 5.5 by: Canadian Mind Products

Converts text with many possible cleanups and transformations.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 108
Size: 1354 K
Date: 2014-09-13
Keywords: Java, images, Applet, HTML, quoter, java, properties, environment, Applets, Java Web Start, JVM, JRE, JDK, flow, entify, deentify, strip tags, URLencoding, URLDecoding, collapse spaces, compacts spaces, regex, book case, trailing
Wassup 2.6 by: Canadian Mind Products

Wassup let's you know what's up with your Java environment.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 190
Size: 544 K
Date: 2014-04-24
Keywords: Java, images, Applet, HTML, wassup, java, properties, environment, Applets, Java Web Start, JVM, JRE, JDK
CoffeeCup Website Color Schemer 4.2.130 by: CoffeeCup Software

Instant color schemes for your Website!
License: Shareware, Price: $29.00 US
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Downloads: 107
Size: 3104 K
Date: 2013-10-22
Keywords: html editor, website design, software, download, free, html, editor, flash, shareware, freeware, web site, editor, ftp, html, javascript, java, applets, image map, flash, applets, gif animator, dhtml, xml, software, html editor, shareware, ftp, html
CoffeeCup Free HTML Editor 10.1 by: CoffeeCup Software

CoffeeCup HTML Editor now comes with HTML5 and CSS3 support!
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 293
Size: 28570 K
Date: 2013-04-16
Keywords: html editor, website design, software, download, free, html, editor, flash, shareware, freeware, web site, editor, ftp, html, javascript, java, applets, image map, flash, applets, gif animator, xml, software, html editor, shareware, ftp, html, wysiwyg
CoffeeCup HTML Editor 14.1 by: CoffeeCup Software

CoffeeCup HTML Editor now comes with HTML5 and CSS3 support!
License: Shareware, Price: $69.00 US
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Downloads: 84
Size: 30838 K
Date: 2013-04-16
Keywords: html editor, website design, software, download, free, html, editor, flash, shareware, freeware, web site, editor, ftp, html, javascript, java, applets, image map, flash, applets, gif animator, xml, software, html editor, shareware, ftp, html, wysiwyg
Hide Windows Quickly Software 7.0 by: Sobolsoft

Make specified open programs invisible.
License: Shareware, Price: $19.99 US
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Downloads: 36
Size: 4363 K
Date: 2009-07-30
Keywords: make, program, hiding, showing, how to hide open windows, visible, switch, stay on top, close, closing, create, application, tasklist, softwares, applets, minimizing, minimize, from view, no longer see a, sight, form, desktop, items, running, name
Kill Multiple Processes and Tasks At Once Software 7.0 by: Sobolsoft

End multiple processes or tasks at once.
License: Shareware, Price: $19.99 US
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Downloads: 49
Size: 4524 K
Date: 2009-07-29
Keywords: end tasks, end processes, all at the same time, single, close many, multiples, several, exes, executables, running in the background, trigger, thread, applications, applets, programs, utilities, list, windows task manager, for all users, services
Join Multiple SWF Files Into One Software 7.0 by: Sobolsoft

Append multiple SWF (Shockwave Flash) files. Save result as a new file.
License: Shareware, Price: $19.99 US
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Downloads: 65
Size: 6375 K
Date: 2009-06-05
Keywords: appending, swfs, shockwave flash, small web format, macromedia, swiff, director, without, vector, graphics, adobe, animations, applets, adobeflash, flex, swish, images, visual, video, audio, joining, fuse, together, one after the other, another
Free Java Applets 4.2 by: Sirius Computer Consultants Limited

100% Free Java Applets by JPowered.com
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 75
Size: 13 K
Date: 2005-03-17
Keywords: java, applet, java applet, free java applet, applets, applet, APPLET, APPLETS, APPLET, Applet, Applets
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