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Deskcalc - Desktop adding machine 7.1.1 by: DeskCalc GbR

Software adding machine, tape, Excel export, correction possibilities, sales tax
License: Shareware, Price: $29.95 US
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Downloads: 161
Size: 3808 K
Date: 2014-10-02
Keywords: Office Finance Calculator, Euro Converter, Tape Calculator, Adding machine, Accounting calculator, Business Calculator, Finance Calculator, Desktop Calculator
EarthView 4.5.15 by: DeskSoft

EarthView displays high detail views of the earth at day and night.
License: Shareware, Price: $25.00 US
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Downloads: 277
Size: 18395 K
Date: 2014-09-26
Keywords: wallpaper, screen saver, screen, saver, earth, planet, city, night, day, clouds, atmosphere, weather, world, globe
Mp3tag 2.64 by: Florian Heidenreich
Mp3tag is the universal Tag editor for various audio formats.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 640
Size: 2641 K
Date: 2014-09-20
MITCalc - Shaft connection 1.21 by: MITCalc

Designs and strength checks of shaped connections of shafts with hubs
License: Shareware, Price: $26.00 US
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Downloads: 99
Size: 1668 K
Date: 2014-08-28
Keywords: Shaft, hub, connection, shaped connection, keys, splines, design, strength check, ANSI B17.1, ANSI B17.2, ANSI B92.1
Golden Records Vinyl to CD/MP3 Converter 2.06 by: NCH Software

Convert your vinyl record or tape to CD with Golden Records.
License: Shareware, Price: $49.99 US
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Downloads: 115
Size: 782 K
Date: 2014-08-25
Keywords: analog to mp3, vinyl to cd, tape to cd, lp to cd, lp software, record software, tape to mp3, vinyl to computer, vinyl converter, tape to cd software, cassette to computer, cassette tape to computer, cd, mp3
Print Inspector 7.0.6 by: SoftPerfect Research

Manage print jobs in your LAN and collect statistics for each user and printer
License: Shareware, Price: $99.00 US
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Downloads: 60
Size: 6908 K
Date: 2014-08-04
Keywords: print, printing, activity, monitoring, tracking, accounting, jobs, paper, audit
Graph Paper Maker 2.4.0 by: Black Cat Systems

Create your own custom sheets of graph paper.
License: Shareware, Price: $19.99 US
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Downloads: 201
Size: 1434 K
Date: 2014-07-31
Keywords: graph, paper, chart, software, graph paper, log, linear
SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager 3.0.8 by: SoftPerfect Research

A traffic managment solution offers cost-effective bandwidth control and QoS
License: Shareware, Price: $99.00 US
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Downloads: 59
Size: 7742 K
Date: 2014-07-30
Keywords: bandwidth, shaper, limiter, manager, control, controller, bandwidthshaper, bandwidthcontroller, slowdown, connection, internet
Ruby P2P OutBreak 3.2.0 by: P2PGems
RUBY P2P Outbreak helps download various filetypes such as music and videos.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 260
Size: 4731 K
Date: 2014-07-25
Keywords: RUBY P2P UltraPeer, download, mp3, movies download, Gnutella, LimeWire, P2P, rapid download, napster, kazaa, edonkey, mp3, video, media, sharing, p2p, peer, peer-to-peer, ipod, community, gnutella, g2, music
Model C1A3F297 Command Line Translator 1.20G-18 by: Com1 Software, Incorperated

Model C1A3F297 Command Line Translator
License: Demo, Price: $199.00 US
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Downloads: 175
Size: 5202 K
Date: 2014-07-18
Keywords: Command Line Translator, CMS-1500 0805, CMS-1500 1290, convert, database, medicare, medicaid, ansii x12, paper claims, 837 Health Care Claims, medical, health care, HIPAA, NPI, National Provider ID, EDI, Electronic Claims, X12 Version 4010 5010, sql, odbc
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