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Advanced Renamer 3.64 by: Hulubulu Software

Advanced Renamer is a batch renamer for renaming multiple files in a snap.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 1066
Size: 8144 K
Date: 2014-03-26
Keywords: rename, renaming, renamer, rename file, file rename, mp3 rename, photo rename, naming, batch, change name, delete, add, insert, replace, case, change case, attributes, timestamp, mp3, id3, jpeg, jpg, image, thumbnails, exif, regular expressions, regex
Filo 4.32 by: Basta Computing, Inc.

Filo: Change the time and attributes of files and folders
License: Shareware, Price: $12.95 US
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Downloads: 43
Size: 2385 K
Date: 2013-06-25
Keywords: basta, filo, file, touch, folder, directory, edit, modify, change, fix, date, time, stamp, attributes, tree, read, only, hidden, system, filter, batch, sort, modified, created, accessed, synchronize
FSTool 1.01 by: GssEziSoft

Search a file tree and use the list in Notepad or Excel.
License: Shareware, Price: $10.00 US
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Downloads: 50
Size: 235 K
Date: 2013-05-18
Keywords: directory, filelist, tree, creation, modification, created, modified, attributes, path, Excel, batch, Search, Find
1-abc.net File Configurator 5.00 by: 1-abc.net

Edit file attributes that you are not allowed to change normally!
License: Shareware, Price: $14.99 US
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Downloads: 92
Size: 474 K
Date: 2013-01-28
Keywords: file, configuration, configure, modify, edit, change, attribute, attributes, last, access, creation, date, modification, read, only, hidden, archive, name, names, extension, extensions, usb, camera, card, drive, hard, disk, drive, stick, batch, mode, editing, files, easy, windows
Oracle to MySQL Free by: Access to SQL

Oracle to MySQL database converter software converts oracle db into new MySQL db
License: Shareware, Price: $29.00 US
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Downloads: 45
Size: 3758 K
Date: 2010-05-03
Keywords: RDBMS, Database, migration, professionals, software, translation, 9i, Oracle, table, rows, columns, MySQL, formats, converts, utility, eliminate, redundancy, experts, integrity, data, set, constraints, attributes, primary, secondary, foreign, key
MySQL to MS Excel by: Database conversion software

MySQL to MS Excel database converter easily converts My SQL database records
License: Shareware, Price: $29.00 US
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Downloads: 34
Size: 3072 K
Date: 2010-04-16
Keywords: MySQL, MS, Excel, spreadsheet, worksheet, translator, converter, transformer, migratory, software, utility, tool, application, program, source, destination, target, move, transfer, merge, records, tables, rows, columns, attributes, keys, constraints
MySQL to Oracle by: Database conversion software

Database conversion utility transfers all MySQL records into Oracle db quickly
License: Shareware, Price: $29.00 US
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Downloads: 47
Size: 3717 K
Date: 2010-04-16
Keywords: MySQL, server, RDBMS, Oracle, database, translator, converter, utility, tool, transforms, migrates, synchronize, source, db, records, tables, indexes, attributes, values, constraints, destination, target, format, consistency, integrity, structure
Oracle to MySQL by: Database conversion software

Program to export data from Oracle database into MySQL server database format
License: Shareware, Price: $29.00 US
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Downloads: 41
Size: 3758 K
Date: 2010-04-16
Keywords: Oracle, RDBMS, database, MySQL, server, conversion, translation, migration, transformation, tool, software, utility, application, program, source, records, tables, rows, columns, keys, attributes, destination, target, merge, convert, move, translate
File Ace 2.05 by: Darq Software
File Ace, the scriptable file and directory manipulator, simplifies file tasks.
License: Shareware, Price: $29.95 US
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Downloads: 61
Size: 1563 K
Date: 2010-02-09
Keywords: fileace, file, directory, utility, rename, scripting, search, encrypt, compare, split, duplicate, find, find duplicate, join, batch, mass, manager, manipulator, timestamp, attributes, organize, md5, crc, sfv, hash, checksum, id3, mp3, music, exif, im
PDF-Analyzer 4.0 by: Ingo Schmoekel

An analysis tool specially for pdf files
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 104
Size: 2392 K
Date: 2009-11-22
Keywords: pdf, print, text, documents, password, javascript, rdf, xml, pdftotxt, browser, properties, attributes
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