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Deskcalc - Desktop adding machine 7.1.1 by: DeskCalc GbR

Software adding machine, tape, Excel export, correction possibilities, sales tax
License: Shareware, Price: $29.95 US
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Downloads: 162
Size: 3808 K
Date: 2014-10-02
Keywords: Office Finance Calculator, Euro Converter, Tape Calculator, Adding machine, Accounting calculator, Business Calculator, Finance Calculator, Desktop Calculator
BS1 Accounting 2014.6 by: Davis Software

Free Accounting Software with Inventory
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 1016
Size: 1954 K
Date: 2014-09-21
Keywords: accounting, inventory, free, freeware, forex, business, software, billing, invoice, general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, bookkeeping, budget, finance, wholesale, bank reconciliation, tax
BS1 Professional Time Billing 2014.6 by: Davis Software

Free Time Billing and Accounting Software
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 133
Size: 2029 K
Date: 2014-09-21
Keywords: accounting, time billing, free, freeware, business, software, invoice, general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, inventory, bookkeeping, professional, budget, finance, projects, jobs, to-do, bank reconciliation, sales tax
OrgFinances for Workgroup 2.5 by: Binary House Software

Accounting software: simple and effective home and small-business accounting
License: Shareware, Price: $69.95 US
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Downloads: 105
Size: 52448 K
Date: 2014-08-21
Keywords: accounting software, personal finance, money manager, accounting, home accounting, incomes, expenses, bookkeeping, spending, planning, family finances, salary, finances, check, money tracking, orgfinance, personal finances, group finances, managing group finances
TrackAMinute2 by: Spacejock Software

Time tracking software with multiple clients, jobs and tasks
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 102
Size: 850 K
Date: 2014-08-17
Keywords: Finance, business, time, timekeeping, jobs
DreamCalc DCP Professional Calculator 4.9.2 by: Big Angry Dog Ltd

DreamCalc Financial Scientific Calculator with Graphing (Professional Edition)
License: Shareware, Price: $34.99 US
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Downloads: 128
Size: 4517 K
Date: 2014-08-02
Keywords: calculator, financial, business, finance, NPV, YTM, MIRR, IRR, ROI, TVM, bonds, amortization, amortize, loans, graphing, graphing calculator, scientific calculator, windows calculator, financial calculator, business calculator, financial software, business software
OrgFinances 2.5 by: Binary House Software

Control small business finances and family budget with one simple solution
License: Shareware, Price: $49.95 US
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Downloads: 190
Size: 17464 K
Date: 2014-07-07
Keywords: financial software, personal finances, money manager, accounting, home accounting, incomes, expenses, bookkeeping, office, money, cash, spending, planning, family, salary, control, check, incomes and expenses tracking, orgfinance, home finances, money nanagement
Track Your Trades 2013.2 by: Track Your Trades

Generate Schedule D for your tax returns. Practical, yet powerful trader tools!
License: Commercial, Price: $99.95 US
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Downloads: 109
Size: 4378 K
Date: 2014-05-30
Keywords: schedule d, tax return, trades, investing, portfolio, finance, stocks, options, form 8949, stock market
ActiveBooks 14.2 by: Core Technologies Consulting, LLC

ActiveBooks automatically emails financial reports from QuickBooks
License: Shareware, Price: $199.00 US
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Downloads: 120
Size: 12239 K
Date: 2014-05-27
Keywords: quickbooks, quickbooks add-on, quickbooks addon, accounting, automatic, email, smtp, excel, profit and loss, accounts receivable, collections, sales, report, accounts, balance, profit, loss, contact list, customer, vendor, finance, aging, class
TinyTrader 1.0.8 by: Antonello Aringhieri

TinyTrader - Tools for the small and tiny trader
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 204
Size: 3036 K
Date: 2014-05-02
Keywords: metastock, stock quotes, portfolio management, charts, historical data, quotazioni, grafici, dati storici, S&PMIB, DOWJONES, NASDAQ, C#, MVVM, WPF, ASP.NET, DotNetNuke, finance
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