Football Junkie NFL Pool 2014.0.0.0 by: Dave Brewster
Web Based NFL Football Pool
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 152
Size: 257 K
Date: 2014-08-01
Keywords: free, NFL, football, pool, internet, pointspread, point spread, confidence, eliminator, survival
Wincup 5.01.02 by: Peter Bernhardt

Manager for Tables any Sportleagues how Soccer, Dart, Tennis, 3/5 Set-Volleyball
License: Shareware, Price: $20.00 US
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Downloads: 129
Size: 494 K
Date: 2014-07-07
WirelessMon 4.0.1008 by: PassMark Software

Detect, monitor & map (incl. GPS) wireless networks (WiFi) including channels.
License: Shareware, Price: $49.00 US
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Downloads: 53
Size: 3026 K
Date: 2013-06-26
Keywords: wireless, wifi, monitor, detect, monitoring, network, wardriving, 802.11, coverage map, signal strength, access points
GFI EventsManager 2013 by: GFI Software

Collect, analyze, normalize and consolidate billions of log entries
License: Shareware, Price: $220.00 US
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Downloads: 57
Size: 58777 K
Date: 2013-01-22
Keywords: Log data management, log consolidation, log encryption, SIEM, intrusion detection, Windows events, network security, report, scan, network, share points, , security reporter, attacks, network monitoring, server monitoring, IT management
Graph 4.4.2 by: Ivan Johansen

Program for plotting graphs of mathematical functions in a coordinate system.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 454
Size: 9838 K
Date: 2012-12-20
Keywords: mathematic, graph, graphing, drawing, plotting, functions, tangents, evaluating, points
RhinoResurf(for Rhino4and5) 2.0.2 by: RESURF

convert mesh model to nurbs surface
License: Shareware, Price: $397.00 US
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Downloads: 64
Size: 14051 K
Date: 2012-08-30
Keywords: mesh to nurbs, nurbs from mesh, pointcloud to nurbs, pointcloud to solid, mesh to solid, nurbs surface mesh points CAD solid
Icons-Land Vista Style POI Icon Set 2.0 by: Icons-Land

Vary your software with ready-made icons for your mapping applications.
License: Demo, Price: $90.00 US
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Downloads: 86
Size: 17914 K
Date: 2011-12-26
Keywords: POI Icons, Points of Interest Icons, GPS Icons, GIS Icons, Map Icons, Vista Icons, Royalty-free Icons
Point cloud to NURBS 1.1 by: RESURF

fit point cloud to NURBS surface
License: Shareware, Price: $149.00 US
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Downloads: 41
Size: 5901 K
Date: 2010-09-28
Keywords: point, cloud, point cloud, point cloud to nurbs, nurbs from points, solid, nurbs surface, igs, reverse engineeering
Mesh to single NURBS 1.01 by: RESURF

convert an open mesh to a single nurbs surface
License: Shareware, Price: $119.00 US
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Downloads: 39
Size: 3285 K
Date: 2010-09-11
Keywords: mesh to nurbs, nurbs from mesh, mesh to solid, nurbs surface mesh points CAD solid, stl, igs. reverse engineeering
Apex SQL Debug 2008.06 by: Apex SQL Tools

Debug SQL stored procedures, profile performance
License: Shareware, Price: $199.00 US
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Downloads: 45
Size: 3972 K
Date: 2010-07-07
Keywords: add-in, debug, stored procedures, performance, conditional break points, call stacks, watches