a suite of four utilities to scan a set of files looking for a set of strings:
extract - displays all lines in all files with a match on one or more strings, case sensitive.
extracti - displays all lines in all files with a match on one or more strings, case insensitive.
without - displays all lines in all files with no match on any of the strings, case sensitive.
withouti - displays all lines in all files with no match on any of the strings, case insensitive.
It works on text and html files.
To find matching lines in a single file, type:
java.exe -jar C:\com\mindprod\extract\extract.jar "wombat" "zebra" - myfile.html
Everything is case sensitive. The results display on the
console. You can redirect with in the usual way with >
You can also list several files on the command line:
java.exe -jar C:\com\mindprod\extract\extract.jar "wombat" "zebra" - myfile.html C:\mydir\another.html
To use search the current directory of files:
java.exe -jar C:\com\mindprod\extract\extract.jar "wombat" "zebra" - .
Sorry no wildcards, just . , and ..
1. Extract just does searches, no replacements.
2. Extract does not show you to context of where it found
each line, just the line itself.
3. Extract is a batch, command line program. There is no GUI
and no interaction.
4. Extract offers no debugging tools to help you figure out
why your regexes failing to find the lines you expect it to.
5. Regexes cannot span lines.
6. Java-style regexes only, no Unix, Perl, Funduc, SlickEdit etc.c.
Why the haystack logo? These utilities help you find your
needles in a haystack.
For more info see the exract.use file bundled in the zip.
Related Searches: search, find, extract, extracti, without, withoutii, scan, rexgex
Recent Changes: fix bug. Formerly ignored 1-char search strings.
Install Support: No Install Support
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Java 1.7+