A developer library for application virtualization providing the ability to create virtual files, virtual registry entries and values. BoxedApp SDK creates a virtual file system and virtual registry. Add virtual files and your application will "think" that such files really exist. No temporary files are created! You create a virtual DLL file and then load it. Embed any files, DLLs, ActiveX and OCX into your application. Hide application's files from user, create applications that run without installation. Samples for C++, Delphi, C#, VB.Net are included! x64 is fully supported!
Includes examples (available in C++, Delphi, C#, VB.Net and others):
1. How to embed .net assembly.
2. How to embed flash player activex.
3. How to use ActiveX without registration in system registry.
4. How to link .net statically with .net application and get a single exe as a result.
5. How to embed DLL into an application.
...and many others too!
Related Searches: application virtualization, molebox, .net embedding, .net linking, virtual file, virtual registry, virtual disk, virtual disc, embed file, embed dll, embed activex, embed ocx, thinstall, temporary file
Recent Changes: Hook functions like MS Detours!
An example of how to embed .net runtime with .net application into just one single EXE file!
Samples of application virtualization: for Visual C++, VB 6, VB.Net, Delphi, C#, Flash and others!
Launching an EXE from memory / a virtual file.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows 2000 or higher