Actual Transparent Window serves the purpose of facilitating work with several windows at a time. It lets you forget about window minimization and maximization routine by enabling the transparency feature applicable to any single window. It gives you means for efficient workspace usage along with productivity boost. Simple and convenient controls will help you take advantage of new technologies for reaching optimal organization of your work.
You can turn on transparency via different short manipulations. It's possible to use the extra button on the window title bar, double click the title bar or activate transparency by a hotkey. Also you can switch to a handy Ghost mode to get direct access to underlying data through a transparent window (in this mode all mouse clicks go "through" the window) or enable "Always on Top" mode to have the selected window always at hand.
The program has been refined for years, so it delivers the impeccable interface and it's absolutely easy-to-use. You will find it very friendly from the very moment you try it. Rich adjustment options provide additional comfort. The program lets you change options that affect all window types or create individual settings for particular types of windows. Moreover, you can also define different transparency rates for a particular window in different states, like when it's active or inactive, being moved, resized or pointed by mouse. Using the intuitive controls it'll be very simple to make all windows look the way it fits you best.
Related Searches: transparent, window, translucent, semi-transparent, taskbar, plugin, skin, addin, addon, winamp, instant messenger, start menu, popup menus, ghost
Recent Changes: Windows 8.1 compatibility.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Serbian, Japanese, Korean, ChineseSimplified, ChineseTraditional, Indonesian
Additional Requirements: P-III 600+ CPU, 512+ Mb RAM, 10+ Mb free space on HDD