After putting a lot of effort into your software, it's time to distribute it. Don't spend weeks wrestling with a complicated installation builder when you are so close to being done. Centurion Setup is extremely easy to use, and you can have a professional installation program built in minutes. The installer is self-contained in a single compressed executable file, and runs on all versions of Windows. Centurion Setup is simple to learn, but also feature rich, with support for uninstallation, multiple languages, interface customization, license agreements, readme files, file associations, DOS batch operations, DLL installation, automated installations, device drivers, patches, expiration dates, shared files, command line building, password protection, and much more. Don't stumble over scripts - hit the finish line running!
Related Searches: installation, installer, setup, installation builder, software installer, software setup, self-extracting
Recent Changes: Added support for the Windows App Store.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: none