A package of standard and unique skinable VCL's for professional UI design development using "AlphaSkins". AlphaControls is an easy-to-use universal and powerful tool for developing original skinned and non-skinned business/media applications. We have also added some properties, which make AlphaControls (and the applications that use them) unique.
- Skinning of standard and 3rd-party components and over 80 own controls which are optimized for using with skins and have own additional features
- System dialogs automatic skinning
- Skinable forms (SDI & MDI) and menus
- Possibility of components using without skins
- Native support of PNG files, own TsAlphaImageList component
- Drawing of components is produced in several layers, so components may be alpha-blended, can have nice realistic borders, shadows and some other beautiful effects
- Support of packed and unpacked skins
- Easy embedding of any skins within the Exe-file for easy deployment
- The elements of each control are calculated in real-time, so any control can be freely moved and resized at run-time
- Style Hints control make hints to be displayed alpha-blended and you can choose from many ways to display (PNG templates are supported)
- Added caption properties for position and rendering
- Mouse event added provide great possiblities
- Easy and powerfull skin-engine supports of internal and external skins, one type of control can have some kinds in skin. All drawings (patterns except) supports of alpha-masks
- Controlling of application skin from one point (TsSkinManager)
- Original fast algorithms of drawings, many graphical and other functions in the package library
- Designing in design-time in IDE
- Ready-to-use skins with possibility for expanding and own skins developing
- Animation effects in some controls
- Frames full automatic support
- Forms with shadows and translucent borders
- Unicode support if TntControls or BDS 2009 used
- Working with the components is very easy
Related Searches: Delphi, VCL, skin, alpha blended, gradient, skinable, interface, skinned components, UI design, building, applications, delphi, advanced, alphablend, shadow, borders, blending, grayed, gradient, transparent, pagecontrol, themes
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: No Install Support
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established