ALZip is a one-stop archiving and compression program designed for speed and ease of use. With support for more compression and archiving formats than any other major utility, ALZip is the only ZIP utility you'll ever need. The ALZip 8.0 provides its own file format "EGG," which makes better compression ratio and full Unicode support. Also, ALZip converts a broken language file into its original language. Users can open 40 archives and compression file formats, open CD image files (ISO, BIN), open virtual CD files (LCD), create 8 archives and compression file formats. ALZip provides other great functions: create self-extracting files (EXE), split files for easy transfers, file encryption with AES-256, integrate anti-virus software, automate tasks with ALZip command-line functions, and more. The ALTools family of free PC utilities shares the same cute Egghead characters, which are a fun addition to any computer, ideal for children, and powerful enough for IT pros.
- CPU 150 MHz +
- RAM 32 MB +
Related Searches: ALZip, zip, rar, unzip, winzip, winrar, 7zip, archiving utility, compression utility, archive, archiver, compress, file management, 00x, ACE, ALZ, ARC, ARJ, B64, BHX, BZ2, CAB, EAR, ENC, HQX, ICE, JAR, LHA, LZH, MIM, PAK, RAR, TAR, TGZ, UUE, WAR, ZIP, ZOO
Recent Changes: - New compression format EGG
- Unicode Support
- Better compression ratio through solid compression
- Support for more than 40 different file formats
- Enhanced file encryption with AES-256
- Improved: ALZip program opens faster
- Fixed: Security issue relevant to .DLL files (2269637)
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 128MB RAM, 20 MB Hard Disk Space