Let your web site or even a simple HTML page be more attractive with a superb effect that makes your messages fly from the fire! You are able to use virtual fire for generating words and you can move words in any direction! You don't even need to know Java or HTML. You just customize the applet with the visual interface and you get what you need.
A feature-rich applet previewer gives you opportunities to change the parameters of text, style of fire, and more without any Java or HTML programming knowledge. The applet previewer allows you to view your work as you change the applet parameters. Adding a little life to a static and motionless picture will enhance any project. The zip file contains the Java applet (the applet size is 15 KB), an applet previewer, descriptions of parameters and examples of applet customizing. A very user friendly interface helps you to satisfy the requirements of your site. Use the applet to announce news and link to other pages, to create a unique congratulations and advertisement, that will be striking evidence of your own style. You can considerably enhance the site without much effort. Note that the software doesn't integrate itself to the operating system. It doesn't change your system's configuration or your files in any way.
Related Searches: Fire applet, use freely, free, virtual, advertisement, congratulation, link, effect, flying letters, moving text
Recent Changes: Fading delay
Install Support: No Install Support
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Java 1.1 or higher + runtime installed