This group email software and marketing solution takes the time and effort out of sending email newsletters, announcing new products or services to your customers or running an email marketing campaign. GroupMail puts you in full control of your email communication. It is also ideal for sending updates to customers, organizing local community/sporting events or for simply staying in touch with family and friends. With highly personalized messages, GroupMail Free Edition makes communicating with large lists of recipients easy. Compose and send both HTML and Plain Text format emails, manage an unlimited number of groups and recipients and while there is a 500 recipient per send limit in the Free Edition, you can send multiple batches of 500 to get your message out to larger lists.
Related Searches: mass email software, bulk email software, free HTML email templates, email marketing software, list management software, bulk mailer, groupmail, group mail, newsletter software, email newsletters, free group email software, group email
Recent Changes: New: UI Design, Multiple selection and deletion of Sent Items and Message Priority Queuing
Update: Language Updates, Spell Checker to skip internal style sheet contents and Detection of Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft OneDrive
Fixed: Cancel message deletion retains highlighted selection
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, French, German, Polish, Spanish
Additional Requirements: Pentium 2 or higher. 128mb of Ram or higher. 100mb of Hard disk