PDFToolkitPro Help: All in one PDF ActiveX, split, merge pdf, encrypt, decrypt pdf, convert tiff to pdf, pdf stamper. **PDF Encryption and Decryption: Both encryption and decryption are done by PDFToolkit Pro ActiveX Component itself without the need of installing additional software such Acrobat PDF Reader. **PDF Split and Merge: PDFToolkit Pro can be used to split files by pages, you can split the file into single pages or save every a few pages as a new file, it also can be used to merge multiple PDF files or selected pages from one or more files into a PDF file, preservation of original links, and form fields. Image to PDF: PDFToolkit Pro supports multiple page TIFF files. It also supports various TIFF encodings: LZW, CCITT G3/G4, RLE etc. It can be used to merge multiple TIFF files into one PDF file. Stamp Text and Image to PDF: PDFToolkit Pro can be used to stamp PDF files, you can stamp PDF files with images such as JPEG, transparent PNG, TIFF and GIFs. And you can stamp text on your PDF files with customized size, location, font and color. PDFToolkit Pro can dump the PDF meta data information such as Author, Title etc. It also allows you to update such metadata information. PDFToolkit Pro can fill PDF forms in a quick and simple manner. It also supports flattening the PDF file. PDFToolKit Pro can be easily integrated into applications written in languages that support ActiveX Component such as Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, C++ Builder, .Net languages, Java, Scripts like Perl, Php, Python.
Related Searches: split, merge pdf, encrypt, decrypt pdf, convert tiff to pdf, pdf stamper
Recent Changes: 2.2010 bug fixes
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows OS